Gravity: The Indecisive Function



Gravity; is it a force, is it a wave, on a quantum level how does it even work? One thing for sure gravity is very weak—as far as physics can prove the weakest fundamental force. In my writings and theories I refer to gravity as a wave—one of the three primordial waves, with sound and light being the other two. Though I lump gravity together with the other two waves it is still in a category of its own. In my theories all other waves and forces derive from sound and light waves, while gravity is the one single force and wave that holds all together.

     According to general relativity gravity is how space-time is effected. Let’s say space-time is an elastic net containing physical reality. The sun is a large ball placed in the middle of the net; the net would bend and sink were the ball is placed. Mercury, Venus, Earth and so on would be much smaller balls placed on the net. Now if the smaller balls were placed on this net close to the large ball they would be pulled towards the large ball—this is the concept of general relativity. Every ball placed on the extremely pliable net sinks into the net and that is what forms the gravity based on the given analogy and this concept of gravity; objects close to this field or sinking of the net would be pulled to the sun, planets, or in this analogy the balls. The extremely pliable net is space-time and the balls are the celestial bodies that produces the gravity in space-time.

     In the field of quantum theory gravity leaves us with question marks. In the quantum world where physical reality is the most fundamental, all particles are the process of excitations in particle fields. Basically for every particle in existence there is a field; these fields produce nothing until they are aroused and a mass less particle appears. The arousal of the field is the excitation that produces the no mass having particle—once the excitation stops the particle no longer exist at that point, or it exist at another point where an excitation is taking place. All fields measure zero at rest with the exception of the Higgs field, and neutrino field. The main function of the Higgs field is to give mass to particles in the other fields. With out the Higgs field we would not have the perceived physical reality we exist in today. Particles are produced by the excitation in there given fields—the particles are then collected together as a mass by the Higgs field. The graviton is the hypothetical particle for gravity in quantum theory; however the graviton is just that, hypothetical. The hunt for a fundamental particle for gravity continues.

     As aforementioned gravity is the weakest force; I beg the question is gravity a force? Does gravity have a true field which would bear the impression of the graviton particle; or is gravity a backdrop? According to general relativity gravity is produced by the mass of a celestial body making an imprint on space-time pulling objects towards it. In my theory time is the measure of change and is relative to many things. With out action or change there is no time. The action taking place to produce time has been in motion beyond any measure known to humankind. Is space-time and gravity all one and the same—is this the reason why gravity appears to be an extremely weak force and the graviton is the proverbial needle in a hay stack? In this case LQG, or loop quantum gravity would be the most fitting theory. Space and time woven together in finite loops in a continuous network may explain gravity and space-time as one and the same. In my opinion loop quantum gravity can work together with string theory.

     I stick with my theory that all is conscious. I could have gone deeper into the rabbit hole of theories aforementioned but I chose not to. When I speak of gravity I use the term wave and in theory this is possibly one with space-time. In theory the primordial wave of gravity, in conjunction with sound, and light waves produces all of reality as we perceive it. I will further elaborate on forces, waves, realities, and the wave producing disturbance on the equilibrium of Source oneness in my next write up.